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  • Pregunta: You have been assigned data from 15 concrete cylinders to which the compression capacity of the concrete was determined after 28 days as required by the ASTM C39 specification(ASTM Standard Test Method C39: Compressive Strength of Concrete Cylinders), see Table P1 of data assigned to each student). With the data you will have to determine the

    You have been assigned data from 15 concrete cylinders to which the compression capacity of the concrete was determined after 28 days as required by the ASTM C39 specification

    (ASTM Standard Test Method C39: Compressive Strength of Concrete Cylinders), see Table P1 of data assigned to each student). With the data you will have to determine the following:

    A) Average value E[X] (10 pts.)

    B) Variance and standard deviation, V[X] and V(V[X]), respectively (10 pts.)

    If we take that the compression capacity of the concrete is a random variable X and it fits well to

    A normal distribution determines the following:

    C) P(X ≥2500 psi) (5 pts.)

    D) P(X ≥ 3000 psi) (5 pts.)

    E) P(X≥3500 psi) (5 pts.)

    F) P(2500 psi ≤ X ≤ 3500 psi) (5 pts.)

    Data in f'c psi

    Cylinder 1 - 2433

    Cylinder 2-3369

    Cylinder 3 - 3043

    Cylinder 4 - 3335

    Cylinder 5 -3514

    Cylinder 6 -2581

    Cylinder 7-3208

    Cylinder 8-2977

    Cylinder 9-3304

    Cylinder 10 -3372

    Cylinder 11 -3271

    Cylinder 12 -2693

    Cylinder 13 -2937

    Cylinder 14 -3075

    Cylinder 15 -4095

    student submitted image, transcription available below
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    Hay 2 pasos para resolver este problema.
    Paso 1

    To calculate the requested values, we'll follow these steps:

    A) Calculate the average value E[X].

    B) C...

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    Paso 2
Texto de la transcripción de la imagen:
A usted se la ha asignado data proveniente de 15 cilindros de concreto a los cuales se le determinó la capacidad en compresión del concreto a los 28 días según requiere la especificación del ASTM C39 (ASTM Standard Test Method C39: Compressive Strength of Concrete Cylinders), ver Tabla P1 de datos asignados a cada estudiante). Con la data usted deberá determinar lo siguiente: a) Valor promedio E[X] (10 pts.) b) Variancia y desviación estándar, V[X] y V(V[X]), respectivamente (10 pts.) Si tomamos que la capacidad en compresión del concreto es una variable aleatoria X y se ajusta bien a una distribución normal determine los siguiente: c) P(X2500 psi) (5 pts.) d) P(X3000 psi) (5 pts.) e) P(X3500 psi) (5 pts.) f) P(2500p si X3500 psi) (5 pts.)