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  • Pregunta: Answers are P = 1.28 kip (aprox.), P = 0.83 kip (aprox.), P = 1.19 kip (aprox.). Show the process, I am also leaving the graphics for the stress concentration factor so you can find k, I will leave a thumbs up if everything is correct.A metal plate is constructed of three sections each with a different width. The widths of the three legs are b1 = 1.6in, b2 =

    Answers are P = 1.28 kip (aprox.), P = 0.83 kip (aprox.), P = 1.19 kip (aprox.). Show the process, I am also leaving the graphics for the stress concentration factor so you can find k, I will leave a thumbs up if everything is correct.

    A metal plate is constructed of three sections each with a different width. The widths of the three legs are b1 = 1.6in, b2 = 2.0in, and b3 = 1.4in. The thickness of the plate is constant and equals t = 0.25in. The diameter of the hole in the middle section is d = 0.7 in. The fillets (the rounded corners where two distinct sections meet) are constructed in the shape of a quarter circle with the largest radius R that can be accommodated. If it is desired that the maximum normal stress σallow in the plate does not exceed 6 ksi, obtain the maximum value that the force P can have.

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Una placa de metal está construida con tres tramos cada uno con un ancho diferente. Los anchos de los tres tramos son b1=1.6in,b2=2.0 in y b3=1.4 in. El espesor de la placa es constante e igual a t=0.25 in. El diámetro del agujero en el tramo del medio es d=0.7 in. Los filetes (las esquinas redondeadas en donde se unen dos secciones distintas) están construidos con la forma de un cuarto de circulo con el radio R más grande se pueda ubicar. Si se quiere que el esfuerzo normal máximo σallow  en la placa no supere 6ksi, obtenga el máximo valor que puede tener la fuerza P. Factor de concentración de esfuerzos para barras planas con un agujero circular Factor de concentración de esfuerzos para barras planas con filletes Factor de concentración de esfuerzos para barras cilindricas con filetes