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  • Pregunta: answer true and false

    answer true and false
    1. In Poison Distribution, N is known and the average of N is used
    2. In the Poison Distribution the Pr (X >1) = 1 - [Pr (0, 1)]
    3.In the Binomial distribution, with n = 6, the Pr (r > 1) = 1 -[Pr (0, 1)]
    4.In the Binomial Distribution r can be greater than n.
    5. In Binomial Distribution, with n-26, the sum of all the Odds gives = one.
    6. In the Poisson Dist. with lambda = 20, then Pr (X = 21) is s 1
    7.In an incompatible event the sum of all probabilities gives one 8.In Binomial when n is greater than 25, Pr can be greater than one.
    (Note: "pr"=probability)
    Spanish version:
    responda cierto y falso
    1.En Distribución Poison se conoce N y se utiliza el promedio de N
    2. En la Distribución Poison la Pr (X >1) = 1 - [Pr (0, 1)]
    3.En la distribución Binomial, con n = 6, la Pr (r > 1) = 1 -[Pr (0, 1)]
    4.En la Distribución Binomial r puede ser mayor que n.
    5. En Distribución Binomial, con n-26, la suma de todas las
    Probabilidades da = uno.
    6. En la Dist. poisson con lambda = 20, entonces la Pr (X = 21) es s 1
    7.En un evento incompatible la suma de todas las probabilidades da a uno
    8.En Binomial cuando n es mayor 25, la Pr puede dar mayor de uno.
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    Paso 1

    We need to check True or False in asked statements.

    Please follow answer as per below :

    1. In Poison ...

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    Paso 2