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  • Pregunta: 8. The intelligence coefficient of a group of 500 students is a random variable that is distributed as a normal variable with mean u=100 and standard deviation 0=16.Determine the expected number of students who have a coefficient between 118 and 122.

    8. The intelligence coefficient of a group of 500 students is a random variable that is distributed as a normal variable with mean u=100 and standard deviation 0=16.
    Determine the expected number of students who have a coefficient between 118 and 122.
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    To determine the expected number of students with an intelligence coefficient between 118 and 122 in...

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8. El coeficiente de inteligencia de un grupo de 500 alumnos es una variable aleatoria que se distribuye como una normal de media μ=100 y desviación tipica σ=16. Determina el número esperado de alumnos que tienen un coeficiente entre 118 y 122