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5. Solve the problem: 2u=0,u(0,y)=0,u(x,0)=0,u(a,y)=0,u(x,b)=f(x),0<x<a,0<y<b0<y<b0<x<a where f is the same as in the example. Sketch some level curves of u(x,y). Example. Suppose f1 and f2 are both given by this function, whose graph is an isosceles triangle: f1(x)=f2(x)={a2x,2(aax),0<x<2a2a<x<a. Then cn=an=π28n2sin(/2). The solution of the potential equation for these boundary conditions is u(x,y)=π28n=1n2sin(2)sinh(anπb)sinh(ay)+sinh(a(by))sin(ax).