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  • Pregunta: 5.- Carry out the following operations with signed integers assuming that they are in sign and magnitude using 8 bits (n=8) in total. For each case get the decimal equivalent of the result. (20 points) 6.- Solve problem 5 assuming that the numbers are in the representation in 2's complements with 8 bits (n=8). (20 points) 7.- Solve problem 5 assuming that

    5.- Carry out the following operations with signed integers assuming that they are in sign and magnitude using 8 bits (n=8) in total. For each case get the decimal equivalent of the result. (20 points)

    6.- Solve problem 5 assuming that the numbers are in the representation in 2's complements with 8 bits (n=8). (20 points)

    7.- Solve problem 5 assuming that the numbers are in the representation in 1's complements with 8 bits (n=8). (20 points)

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    ANSWER: Solution consist of correct answer with explanation. I am answering all parts first question as there is no specific question asked for. Also there is no problem 5 is provided.. We will use followi

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5.- Efectúe las siguientes operaciones con números enteros con signo suponiendo que están en signo y magnitud usando 8 bits (n=8) en total. Para cada caso obtenga el equivalente decimal del resultado. (20 pts.) (a) 01101001 + 00010101 (b) 01101001 + 00101101 (c) 01101001 + 11010111 (d) 00011011 +10001011 (e) 10110100 + 10001011 (f) 11101010 + 11010110 6.- Resuelva el problema 5 suponiendo que los números están en la representación en complementos a 2 con 8 bits (n=8). (20 pts.) 7.- Resuelva el problema 5 suponiendo que los números están en la representación en complementos a 1 con 8 bits (n=8). (20 pts.)