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  • Pregunta: 4. Consider the discrete system in the figure, given the plan: P(s)=1/{s+1}; T=0.5, u(0)=1, u(0.5)=2, u(1)=3, y(0)=0 . Find: i) y(0.5) ; and(1) ; y(1.5) (that is y(kT) for k=1,2,3,4) as a direct solution of the difference equation of the discrete equivalent system. ii) y(k T) through the inverse Z and Z transform. Analyze the form of u(k T) to obtain the

    4. Consider the discrete system in the figure, given the plan: P(s)=1/{s+1}; T=0.5, u(0)=1, u(0.5)=2, u(1)=3, y(0)=0 . Find: i) y(0.5) ; and(1) ; y(1.5) (that is y(kT) for k=1,2,3,4) as a direct solution of the difference equation of the discrete equivalent system. ii) y(k T) through the inverse Z and Z transform. Analyze the form of u(k T) to obtain the Z transform of the input

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4. Considere el sistema discreto de la figura, dada la planta: P(s)=s+11; T=0.5,u(0)=1,u(0.5)=2,u(1)=3,y(0)=0 Encuentre : i) y(0.5);y(1);y(1.5) (esto es y(kT) para k=1,2,3,4 ) como solución de directa de la ecuación a diferencias del sistema equivalente discreto. ii) y(kT) a través de la transformada Z y Z inversa. Analice la forma de u(kT) para obtener la transformada Z de la entrada