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  • Pregunta: 26. Let Q(x,y) be the statement " x+y=x−y." If the domain for both variables consists of all integers, what are the truth values? a) Q(1,1) b) Q(2,0) c) ∀yQ(1,y) d) ∃xQ(x,2) e) ∃x∃yQ(x,y) f) ∀x∃yQ(x,y) g) ∃y∀xQ(x,y) h) ∀y∃xQ(x,y) i) ∀x∀yQ(x,y)

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    For the first part of the problem, substitute x = 1 and y = 1 into the equation and check if the equation holds.

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    Let's examine the truth values for the statement Q(x, y) = "x + y = x - y" with a domain of ...

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26. Let Q(x,y) be the statement " x+y=xy." If the domain for both variables consists of all integers, what are the truth values? a) Q(1,1) b) Q(2,0) c) yQ(1,y) d) xQ(x,2) e) xyQ(x,y) f) xyQ(x,y) g) yxQ(x,y) h) yxQ(x,y) i) xyQ(x,y)