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  • Pregunta: 11. On a certain test, 35 percent of the population tested obtained a score above 6, 25 percent, between 4 and 6, and 40 percent below 4. Assuming that the scores follow a normal distribution, calculate the average grade and the standard What percentage of the population has a grade that differs from the average inless than 2 units

    11. On a certain test, 35 percent of the population tested obtained a score above 6, 25 percent, between 4 and 6, and 40 percent below 4. Assuming that the scores follow a normal distribution, calculate the average grade and the standard deviation.
    to. What percentage of the population has a grade that differs from the average in
    less than 2 units
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Texto de la transcripción de la imagen:
11. En cierta prueba, el 35 por ciento de la población examinada obtuvo una nota superior a 6 ,el 25 por ciento, entre 4 y 6 , y el 40 por ciento inferior a 4 . Suponiendo que las notas siguen una distribución normal, calcula la nota media y la desviación típica. a. ¿Qué porcentaje de población tiene una nota que se diferencia de la media en menos de 2 unidades