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  • Pregunta: If we had 100 M&Ms distributed exactly according the manufacturer’s distribution, what is the expected mass and standard deviation?

    If we had 100 M&Ms distributed exactly according the manufacturer’s distribution, what is the expected mass and standard deviation?

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RED (13%) 0.751 0.841 0.856 0.799 0.966 0.859 0.857 0.942 0.873 0.809 0.89 0.878 0.905 Mass of M&M candies (in grams) by color ORANGE (25%) YELLOW (12%) BROWN (12%) BLUE (25%) 0.735 0.883 0.696 0.881 0.895 0.769 0.876 0.863 0.865 0.859 0.855 0.775 0.864 0.784 0.806 0.854 0.852 0.824 0.84 0.81 0.866 0.858 0.868 0.858 0.859 0.848 0.859 0.818 0.838 0.851 0.982 0.868 0.863 0.803 0.888 0.932 0.925 0.842 0.793 0.832 0.977 0.807 0.85 0.841 0.83 0.932 0.856 0.833 0.842 0.881 0.778 0.818 0.786 0.864 0.853 0.825 0.864 0.855 0.942 0.873 0.88 0.825 0.882 0.869 0.931 0.912 0.887 0.886 GREEN (13%) 0.925 0.914 0.881 0.865 0.865 1.015 0.876 0.809 0.865 0.848 0.94 0.833 0.845 0.852 0.778 0.814 0.791 0.81 0.881