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  • Pregunta: 1. Reviewing the flow of blood through the heart, do the following in the figure provided: to. Trace the passage of a molecule of the gas CO2 (carbon dioxide) in the blood from the Superior and inferior Vena Cava, until it leaves the bloodstream. b. List all the structures (blood vessels, heart chambers, and others) by tracing the path where it passes.

    1. Reviewing the flow of blood through the heart, do the following in the figure provided:
    to. Trace the passage of a molecule of the gas CO2 (carbon dioxide) in the blood from the
    Superior and inferior Vena Cava, until it leaves the bloodstream.
    b. List all the structures (blood vessels, heart chambers, and others) by tracing the
    path where it passes.

    student submitted image, transcription available below

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    Hay 3 pasos para resolver este problema.
    Paso 1

    1 superior venacava

    2 inferior venacava

    3 right atrium

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    Paso 2
    Paso 3
Texto de la transcripción de la imagen:
Normal I No Spac... Heading Heading Select Voic a. Paragraph Styles Editing 5. Repasando la circulación de la sangre a través del corazón, realice lo siguiente en la figura provista: Trace el paso de una molécula del gas CO2 (dióxido de carbono) en la sangre desde la Venas Cava superior e inferior, hasta que abandone el torrente sanguíneo. b. Mencione todas as estructura (vasos sanguíneos, cámaras cardiacas y otros) trazando la ruta por donde pasa. ilma P na Documento preparado por y adaptado por: Public Text Predictions: On Accessibility: Investigate to Rico) Forus