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  • Pregunta: 1. Name the following molecule and draw the structure for (R)-1-methoxycyclohexen-3-ol 2. Consider a retrosynthetic cleavage on the t-butyl side, it is better to do retrosynthetic cleavage on the methyl side, why? the second reaction does not proceed 3. Use the Williamson ether approach to synthesize the following molecule 4. Draw a complete mechanism and

    1. Name the following molecule and draw the structure for (R)-1-methoxycyclohexen-3-ol
    2. Consider a retrosynthetic cleavage on the t-butyl side, it is better to do retrosynthetic cleavage on the methyl side, why? the second reaction does not proceed
    3. Use the Williamson ether approach to synthesize the following molecule
    4. Draw a complete mechanism and predict the products for the following acid-promoted cleavage

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    student submitted image, transcription available below
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    Identify the chiral carbon on the molecule and assign priority to each of the four substituents based on atomic number and connectivity.

    Answer (1) - The given compound is ether. The complex group is named as parent hydrocarbon and other group (including O-atom) is named as alkoxy.   IUPAC name o

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Nombrar éteres - Nombra la siguiente molécula Dibuja la estructura para (R)1-metoxiciclohexen-3-ol Utilice el enfoque de éter Williamson para preparar MTBE Considera una desconexión retrosintética en el lado tbutil Es mejor hacer su desconexión retrointética en el lado metilo. ¿por qué? Utiliza el enfoque de éter Williamson para sintetizar la siguiente molécula - Dibuja un mecanismo completo y predice los productos para la siguiente ruptura promovida con ácido