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  • Pregunta: 05.- Three different scenarios in which a current is induced through resistor R are shown below. Question 05. Use Lenz's law to determine the direction of the induced current on resistor R, i.e. whether the induced current flows from point a to point b or from point b to point a, in each of the three scenarios and choose the correct answer. Notes: -In

    05.- Three different scenarios in which a current is induced through resistor R are shown below.
    Question 05.
    Use Lenz's law to determine the direction of the induced current on resistor R, i.e. whether the induced current flows from point a to point b or from point b to point a, in each of the three scenarios and choose the correct answer.
    -In scenario i the magnet is moving away from the coils of conducting material.
    -In scenario ii there is a change in the magnetic flux of the coil containing the resistor just as the circuit containing the resistor closes. when the circuit containing the voltage source is closed.
    -In scenario iii the current I is decreasing in value until it reaches zero.
    Possible answers:
    - Scenario i, from b to a
    - Scenario ii, from b to a
    - Scenario iii, from b to a.
    - Scenario i, from b to a
    - Scenario ii, from a to b
    - Scenario iii, from b to a.
    - Scenario i, from a to b
    - Scenario ii, from a to b
    - Scenario iii, from b to a
    - Scenario i, from b to a
    - Scenario ii, from b to a
    - Scenario iii, from a to b
    - Scenario i, from a to b
    - Scenario ii, from b to a
    - Scenario iii, from a to b.

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    using lenz law :  scenario i )  external magnetic field is decreasing so induced magnetic field will increase current f

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05.- A continuación se muestran tres escenarios distintos en los que se induce una corriente a través de la resistencia R. Utiliza la ley de Lenz para determinar la dirección de la corriente inducida sobre la resistencia R, es decir si la corriente inducida circula del punto a al punto b o del punto b al punto a, en cada uno de los tres escenarios y escoge la respuesta correcta. Notas: - En el escenario i el iman se esta alejando de las espiras de material conductor. - En el escenario ii hay un cambio en el flujo magnético de la espira que contiene la resistencia justo cuando se cierra el circuito que tiene la fuente de voltaje. - En el escenario iii la corriente I va disminuyendo su valor hasta llegar a cero.