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  • Pregunta: . Find r (t) for the following condition r' (t) = 4e2ti + 3e*j, r(0) = 2i 2. Find r"(t) of the following function r(t) = 4 cos t i + 4 sin t j 3. Determine the maximum height and horizontal displacement of a projectile that is fired at a height of 1.5 meters above ground level ground with an initial velocity of 100 meters per second at a firing angle of 30

    . Find r (t) for the following condition r' (t) = 4e2ti + 3e*j, r(0) = 2i
    2. Find r"(t) of the following function r(t) = 4 cos t i + 4 sin t j 3. Determine the maximum height and horizontal displacement of a projectile that is fired at a height of 1.5 meters above ground level ground with an initial velocity of
    100 meters per second at a firing angle of 30 degrees above the horizontal. 4. A projectile is fired above ground level at an angle of 8 degrees to the horizontal. The projectile must have a horizontal displacement of 50 meters. find the
    minimum muzzle velocity this projectile must have.

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    Hay 3 pasos para resolver este problema.
    Paso 1

    Solution: (a) Given, r (t)= 4e2ti+3etj .

    Integrating, we get

                 r(t)=r (t) dt=(4e2ti+3etj) dt= 4e2t2i+3etj+C= 2e2ti+3etj+C

    where C is the constant for integration .

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    answer image blur
    Paso 2
    Paso 3
Texto de la transcripción de la imagen:
a. Halle r(t) Para la siguiente conaicion r(t)=4e2ti+3etj,r(0)=2i b. Halle r′′(t) de la siguiente funcion r(t)=4costi+4sintj c. Determine la altura máxima y el desplazamiento horizontal de un prasectil que es disparado a la altura de 1.5 metros sobre el hivel del suelo con una velocidad inicialde 100 metros por segundos aun angulo de disparo de 30 grados sobre la horizontal. d. Un proyectil es disparado sobre el nivel del suelo a un angulo de 8 grados con la horizontal. Debe tener un desplazamiento horroma de 50 metros. Halle la velocidad minima